Themis (07/2021), Female
My name is Themis, in Greek religion, personification of justice, goddess of wisdom and good counsel, and the interpreter of the gods'. I was rescued from the island of Hydra during a TNR mission and was brought to Athens because of the need for further medical care. I needed an operation to extract my one eye and am totally blind from the other one. Other than that, I am happy and healthy ready to get adopted!!
I am very sweet and quiet. I like to explore my surroundings when I find peace as I am still quite shy. Most of the time, I like to hide under the couch where I feel safe. I don’t fight with other cats but I am cautious when they try to approach me. The same goes for people; I still need some distance. I don’t have any particular preferences when it comes to food.
I am beautiful and special girl who needs some time to get used to people and other cats, but once I overcome my fears, I will become the sweetest friend, a purring machine who will give lots and lots of love to whoever decides to adopt me.
Themis was adopted abroad and she travelled to her forever home in December 2024.
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