Sneaps (08/2022), Female
Hi, I’m Sneaps! I was found by an American couple on a vacation in the engine of a car. I was taken to the vet to be screened for contagious diseases and being negative for all, I was brought to their home and a few days later to the shelter.
I am a sweet, playful and energetic kitten. I love to get a lot of attention from my human caretaker, one of the shelter managers, and I purr instantly when I’m being petted or picked up in her arms. I especially like to hang out with her on her bed. I walk all over her, try to get under the covers, pick on her hair, and it all feels so good that can’t stop purring from happiness. I also love to run around the room playing with the toys. One of my most favorite past-times, however, is to play with Luna, the other kitten in my room. We chase and sneak up on each other, climb and hide in cat trees or cat tunnels, and play with toys for the most of the day, and when we get tired we take some rest cuddling together in one of our cat beds. We are inseparable.
I am gentle and kind, and I only want to give you love and get it in return. I am so thankful to have been rescued when I was lost and alone trying to get some warmth from a car engine. The couple that have rescued me and the people at the shelter gave me exactly what I needed - a lot of love and attention and a warm, comfortable, safe environment where I can keep growing up happy and healthy. I am grateful to have been given a second chance to find happiness and now I’m eager to find my forever home and meet my forever family!
Sneaps was adopted locally in November 2022.
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