Smuk (07/2019)
Smuk and his sister Sophie (who was adopted abroad in December 2019) were born in a local Roma camp and they were offered for sale to one of our team members. She explained to them that the animals are not to be sold, she bought kitten food for them and tried to teach the children how to care for these kittens. She also gave them an eye drops for the kittens as they had the eye infection. However, the health of the kittens got worse so we finally took them into the sanctuary so they are properly taken care of.
Smuk's name was chosen by one of our volunteers from Denmark and Smuk means in Danish "beautiful". Smuk is indeed an adorable and beautiful little guy!
Smuk was adopted by one of our volunteers from the USA, together with his shelter sister Nami. They travelled to their forever home in August 2020.
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