Olive (02/2022), Female & Juniper (02/2022), Female
My name is Olive. I am the oldest of three sisters. I was born on 14th of February, yes, on Saint Valentine´s day, well, night, to be precise. It was in a little town called Varkiza in Greece. Our mum Ebony was caught to be sterilized a week before we were born, but when she went through the necessary veterinarian check-up, the vets said we are all developed and ready to be born. So, Let´s Be S.M.A.R.T. took our mum in and made a safe place for us coming into this world soon. I am very brave girl, and extremely curious. I absolutely love to play, jump, climb, chase and so on, you have got the idea.
We have lots of toys, I really like small rattle balls with feathers, my specialty is to hide them all somewhere where I cannot reach them and then I have to go to our foster mum and ask if she can find them for me. That is lots of fun watching this human crawling on her four looking for my toys. I also really like to play with my sisters and humans, well, I cannot say no to any kind of play, really. I also like scratching posts or cat trees. In general, I am very outgoing young lady and I believe I will be a purrfect fit for any family. I am pretty good at stealing everybody´s heart. All I need is to be loved, have some attention, cuddles and play times.
My name is Juniper. I was born as the second kitten out of three to our mum Ebony on Saint Valentine´s Day. We were all very lucky, because our mum got the chance to give birth in a safe place and not on the streets of Varkiza in Greece, where she was found heavily pregnant. She was caught and taken to the clinic for a check-up and the vets said it is too late to sterilize her, we were all already fully developed and ready to be born in few days. I am the boldest of all three sisters, I was always fist to check everything out, even if my sisters were in hiding. I am extremely active, curious and observant; I really enjoy to watch my surroundings from the top of cat trees or high cat shelves. I do want to explore everything, I am trying to be everywhere, no closed doors are a problem for me. I am very sweet and clever and also outgoing and attention seeking little girl. I love to play with everything and everybody, especially with my sisters and mum. We have lots of toys and I love them all, but my favourite one is when humans have time and play with us with dangler poles. I like to play on my own as well and my favourite toys are small rattle mice, balls and pom poms. Scratching post is a must. All I need is to be loved and cared for and I will be the happiest cat ever.
Olive and Juniper were adopted to the U.S. and they travelled to their home in May 2022.
Photo gallery - Olive

Photo gallery - Juniper