May (05/2022), Female
I am an adorable small in size lady who is looking for a forever family to live with and bloom!! I was rescued after entering a construction site in Kouvaras. I arrived very skinny, emaciated and unhappily pregnant …...
I was very lucky to be found by a kind lady who not only felt sorry for me and started petting me (which I can admit felt amaaazing) but also decided to remove me from the area and provide me with the necessary medical care. She organized to get me sterilized and created a space where I felt comfortable and could finally relax! Although I couldn’t stay with my foster mum forever I moved to an awesome huge house filled with cats and nice people who adore us!
I am a chilled young girl who prefers long siestas over everything else and can make someone very very happy!
I am a gorgeous black and white lady, who might seem shy at first but warms up very fast! I love attention and affection and quickly adapts to new environments and changes in my life! I am very sweet and definitely a love biter. You will adore this cute habit of mine! I can get uncomfortable with loud noises and around fast unpredictable movements but is pretty easy to reassure and comfort me! I am very friendly with other cats and will never bother anyone but prefer to hang out by myself! I have been alone for a long time and have learned to value my privacy and quiet. Playtime is super fun and makes me happy and content.
I am not only playful and cheerful but also a confident and happy cat and who loves to be petted and stroked down my back.
Despite being a stray until recently, I don’t get very excited over food but…I will run towards you and rub my cute little body against yours seeking love. I have chosen a favorite cat bed from all the other cozy places at the shelter, where I enjoy to lay and relax during the day. Although I am quite new to the LBS family I have already learned how to maneuver everywhere!
My sweetest characteristic is my petite feature and that is what you will certainly fall in love with.
Microchip number:

May is sponsored by Connie B. (UK)
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