Dexi (08/2022), Female
Good day, my name is Dexi. I was found by a very nice couple in their garden in Voula when I was still very small and dependent on mother´s milk. The vet estimated I was only about 3 weeks old. The lovely couple took good care of me and nursed me until I was weaned of the milk. Unfortunately, they couldn´t keep me, though they loved me very much, so at the end, they brought me to LBS Foster home where they cared for me ever since.
I am quite a unique little lady. I am amazing and beautiful cat, but I also have some anger issues and can tell you off in a second. This said, there is no human being who wouldn´t fell in love with me instantly and nobody really mind my sometimes more difficult and challenging attitude.
I am very playful and love humans. I like to follow them and ask them to play with me and spend some quality time with me. I am super friendly and cuddly and will come close to you seeking for affection and attention!
I am friendly towards other kitties as well and like to play with them, but if somebody wants to play little bit rougher for my taste, I yell and meow! The best feline friends are the ones close to my age; my best friend is Noel. I really like to snuggle in the bed with humans and I am a big helper in preparing bed for sleeping. I have lots of energy and love to help with everyday chores like cleaning litter boxes or sweeping. I am still quite petit and my care takers think I might stay this way. I don´t mind that at all. My mesmerizing, observing eyes that are little bit crossed are just another thing that are so unique to me.
My favourite part of the day is when I am allowed together with the rest of my foster siblings to go to the terrace – it is time filled with adventures, exploration, playing, full of new smells and other perceptions. Who wouldn´t like that? Funny fact about me: sometimes I will get stuck with my claw somewhere, and will need a human to come and rescue me, don’t worry though, you will definitely hear me asking for help!!!
I have to admit, I had a rough start, but I have met lots of awesome humans on the way and I can take care of myself as well. I am grateful for any kindness and attention I can get. I can feel that I am loved enormously here, but I hope that I will find a great home with patient humans that would understand me and love me unconditionally. Could it be you?
Dexi was adopted abroad and she travelled to her forever home in January 2024.
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