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Bean (09/2020)

Bean was found with her two sisters by a friend of the shelter. Her neighbour was trying to drown them, they were only two weeks old. Luckily she heard their cries and saved them. She called us and brought them straight to the shelter, when they arrived they were wet and cold. It was touch and go the first new days, they needed feeding every three hours and they struggled to take the bottle. With a lot of love and attention they gradually got stronger and are now growing into very healthy babies!

Bean is a soft and cuddly kitten. She is all about the love and will spend as much time as possible tucked in your arms like a baby. She purrs so hard and will give you little kisses on your face. She loves belly rubs and when you stop she will put a paw on your face to tell you to continue. She loves her sister Lentil and they will spend all their time awake playing with each other. Feather sticks, ping pong balls and toy mice are her favorite, basically anything that moves she will chase! She is a very sweet and affectionate kitty and will grow into a very loving and playful cat!

Bean was adopted abroad and in April 2021 she travelled to her forever home.

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